I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

It’s Not Baloney

“My bologna has a first name . . .” Come on, you remember singing the song! And it probably still makes you smile to think of it. Several weeks ago I read this article in the Lancaster newspaper about a local who is now driving the Wienermobile. Taylor Hutchinson is quoted as saying the most

Walk In Love

A visit to a friend in a rehab hospital put Les and me near the mall last week. So he took me to Qdoba’s for a burrito. He was right—it was big and yummy. (Okay, yummy wasn’t his word. That’s my translation.) But what made me even happier was the chance to check out the

Imagining Myself a Woman of Faith

I remember my first Women of Faith (WOF) conference. My friend Annie and I (along with my daughter Joy and Ann’s almost-sister-in-law) drove from Delaware to Lancaster. There we picked up a bus and headed to Pittsburgh. It was 1997, the second year of WOF, but the first year in arenas. We heard the original

Too Much, Too Little

I was sitting at the table the other morning, bemoaning the fact that I had eaten too much the night before and the bathroom scale had reflected it. It wasn’t stopping me from eating breakfast, though. (Not much does; “most important meal of the day,” and all that.) I turned the page of the newspaper

Bible That Save Lives (in Addition to Souls)

I’ve had the fun of teaching a class this month on becoming more familiar with your Bible. I’ve taught the big story of the Bible, an unforgettable way to remember how many books there are in the Old and New Testaments (if you want to know, leave a comment and I’ll tell you), how to

Dumpster Diving

Kevin and Kenny were master dumpster divers. They would regale us with stories of the computers and appliances they found, things that needed only minor adjustment to work well. They found cases of sneakers and wearable clothing. They provided me with a new floor chair mat that kept my desk chair rolling years. But if

Routines Disrupted

My friend Christina helps me understand how difficult life can be with one autistic child. Imagine how life is with four of them. Now imagine how life is with four autistic kids after your home is destroyed in the middle of the night because a building near you exploded. That’s the situation the Metzger family

Full of Hot Air

I’m not referring to me (this time), but to our house where the air conditioner has been on the blink for the past 7 days. It was leaking water and so we kept the temperature in the house about 5 degrees warmer than normal. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it makes a

Change Purse

A few years ago I saw the original Butler Bag in a boutique in Lewes, Delaware. I was entranced. The thing that made me want the bag was the inner organizer (pictured at left), hence the name “Butler.” I didn’t buy it, though. I didn’t want to spend the money for it, so I spent


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.