A visit to a friend in a rehab hospital put Les and me near the mall last week. So he took me to Qdoba’s for a burrito. He was right—it was big and yummy. (Okay, yummy wasn’t his word. That’s my translation.)
But what made me even happier was the chance to check out the Walk In Love store that was alongside Qdoba’s. You would think I wouldn’t be very interested in a store that replaced a Cold Stone Creamery, given how much I love ice cream. But this time I was more than okay with it.
I’ll let the Walk In Love creators explain their mission:
Walk in love. is dedicated to selling well-designed, high quality products with a positive and inspiring message. That message is a reminder to imitate God by loving others every chance we get— no strings attached. We believe that Jesus came and showed us how to be that message. We want you to walk in love.
I bought this cool tee. I love the sentiment. And the cotton is creamy soft, much like my treasured Life Is Good tees.
I also love that a portion of the price gets donated to a designated monthly charity. August, when I bought my tee, the donation went to Love 146, an amazing organization working to end child sex slavery. If you choose to visit the Walk In Love store in Park City Mall in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, or to shop online in September, Bethany Christian Services is the beneficiary. Bethany is an adoption agency that helps women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy make a choice for life.
I hope my new tee will remind me to walk in God’s love toward everyone I come into contact with. I hope it will draw questions from others that will allow me to explain who God is and what he’s done in my life.
Check out Walk In Love for yourself. You might be eager to wear some of their cool designs as you walk in love through your day.