I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

A surefire way to wreak havoc

What is it? Expect everyone to be just like you. If we’re honest, we’ve often wished someone else (everyone else?) would behave, respond, feel, or think like we do. Whether it’s the guy at the office who hogs all the air time at meetings, or the kid who drags her feet and is late for

It’s time to plug the leaks

I love to give to charity. It doesn’t matter if I support the food bank by rounding up my purchase at the grocery store or buy a cart full of groceries to donate, it all feels good. I am happy to support the homeless shelter with by mailing a check or serving a meal. It

We don’t even need restaurant gift cards this year

We love to eat. (I’m referring to my husband, Les, and me, but maybe it’s true for you too.) We love to go out to restaurants, to try new dishes, new flavors, new ethnic dishes. And we have some old favorites, too, restaurants and dishes we return to again and again. Anyone who has gotten

Where’d You Go, Carol Cool?

It’s been almost four weeks since I created a blog post. Where have I been, you might ask if you happened to notice you haven’t received an email in a while. The easy answer is that my husband accepted a new pastoral position exactly one month ago, which he starts on July 1. His new

Comfort vs. Common Good

I’ve debated this blog post for at least two weeks (which explains the fact that there was no post last week). Well, here it is. I decided to make this short and hope you’ll at least think about if and how it applies to you. Stay-at-home policies aren’t comfortable. I am comfortable when I can

30 Days to Pray for the Vulnerable

How you doing with your COVID-19 quarantine? I’ve had some bad days lately. In part it’s because I have been thinking how many people are in real danger from this virus. Yes, those over 65 and those with underlying health conditions. But there are so many around the world who are vulnerable to this virus

On Fairs and Fellowship

For the first time in our 11 years living in Ephrata, someone invited us to sit with them at the parade. Now I need to take a moment to give you some background on . . .

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Kids

I get to speak to a lot of mom’s groups. And if there’s any way to fit it in to whatever topic I’m talking about, I say this: The goal of parenting is to raise your children so that some day they will move out. Moms and dads often seem to forget that. You are


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.