Rules for Civil Engagement

1 thought on “Rules for Civil Engagement”

  1. How timely is your blog, Carol, since the events of this last week? No one can say what the next election will bring but we must be supporting those who we believe represent our morals and rights for not just us but the country.

    I know famiies are the floundation of our world which God created for us to have the right people with us in this time of isolation in the world. Children must be able to see a smile and smile back and not thru a mask. In writing my children’s book, I kniow your books have inspired many famiies to have a steronger foundation. In my business life the mission as a financial professional and business builder is simply to have “No Family Left Behind” and have people know how to :Own Their Future”. We must be in command of how our money is protected and grows as well as our schedules with our time and our familiy. I pray God will help me find the people who are looking for this life and lead them to me. Here to serve! God Bless Us and our world!


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