I’m not much of a photographer. I took some photos with my phone when I was at the Ghost Ranch in New Mexico last year. Les made fun of me because most of them have my finger in them, as you can see in the photo at the right where it looks like a giant balloon is attacking the mountain.
So calls for photos don’t usually interest me. However, I saw a newspaper article about GE’s Ecomagination Photo Project and had to play along. You upload up to three photos and tag them with wind, water or light.
For each photo, GE will make a donation. Water photos bring donations of 480 gallons of drinking water. Wind photos, 4.5kW hours of wind energy. And light photos, 175 hours of solar power. It’s a cool simple way to give. Here’s one of the three light photos I uploaded. Taken on the same New Mexico trip, I might add, and nary a finger in sight.
So if you have an opportunity to upload a photo, your effort could help power clinics in rural Peru, give families in East Timor solar-powered lanterns or help build clean-water wells.
Now that sounds like a picture-perfect investment.