People can go up to 8 weeks without food. I seem to have trouble going 8 minutes.
Water is a different story. Without it, the max most people would live is 5 days.
Yet a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean water. Unsafe drinking water is the biggest killer of children in the world today.
For only a buck you can change that for one of them.
Humankind Water offers you the opportunity to buy bottled spring water. The net profit from your purchase of that one bottle provides water for one person for a year.
Les and I bought our bottles at EcoLoco in Lititz, Pa. EcoLoco offers cool and unique fair-trade products, so if you’re ever in Lititz be sure to check it.
You can also buy the water at WalMart and a host of other locations. Buy it for your own use and know that you’re helping others get water.
Make an even bigger impact by participating in the Humankind Challenge. Buy 7 bottles of water and distribute them to 7 friends, attaching one of the tags from the PDF below. Then follow-up to encourage at least one of them to do the same. And so you pay it forward. If you can get 2 friends to give 7 bottles, then you’ve doubled your impact.
Les and I buy bottled water. I know, I know, I am supposed to be filling my metal bottle or reusable cup. But I don’t like the aftertaste of those items. I like the bottles. I’m sorry. But now with Humankind Water I can buy my water bottles AND do something for humanity. Yes!
What about you?
Drink up—with Humankind Water. You could be the catalyst for many people getting the water they need for a healthy life.