I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

Matthew 25 Resolutions

Are you a New Year’s resolution writer? I’m not much of one, mainly because they don’t seem to last long. But I always think we can do better at living more like Jesus and serving him well. I’m wondering what 2020 would be like if we adopted Jesus’s words from Matthew 25 as our resolutions.

Locking People Out—America’s Refugee Crisis

I’ve written about refugees before (for example, A Little Child Shall Lead Them and Inviting Jesus In). I’ve had my friend and fellow writer Lisa Bartelt guest blog about it. But it’s not time to stop. My heart is broken today. This was the headline that caused it: Here’s the explanation from Church World Service (CWS):


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.