I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

On Being (and Voting) Fully Pro-Life

I am pro-life. Fully pro-life. Because I am fully pro-life, I want to prevent babies from being killed while still in their mothers’ wombs. Because I am fully pro-life, I want to stop 8600 children from dying today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after that from poverty-related diseases (that’s 3 million

Emergency Funds and Chronically Underfunded

Earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan. Massive flooding in Houston. Fire spreading through row homes in Lancaster. Emergencies. Tragic events. People in need of help. And good-hearted people the world over respond. When a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal a year ago, compassionate individuals donated $15 million in little more than a week through the donate button that appeared in their

A Little Child Shall Lead Them—to Jesus’s Heart

Elliott came to his mom with paper stars containing two symbols.  “What are these?” she asked. “They say R S. They are prayer cards for Syrian refugees. I want to hand them out so people can pray for the refugees and then when they meet one, they can say, ‘Hey, come stay at my house.’” When

When You Stop Living, Will People Want to Live Your Legacy ?

On Monday, two older women I know died. One was a feisty, fun woman from our church named Helen. The other was my Aunt Flo, the last of her generation of our family. On Friday I will attend Helen’s funeral here in Pennsylvania. Then I will drive to the Philadelphia airport to fly to New Hampshire

Is My Charity All About Me?

I am an addict. I thought I was still on a nonfiction-book moratorium. In September of 2013 I had over 60 nonfiction books in my to-be-read pile. I was determined not to buy any. I would not take any free books. I was determined to read one a week to get through them.  The good news is I

Are You Religious? Take the Quiz!

Have you found those BuzzFeed quizzes on Facebook addictive? What’s your favorite? Do you find yourself obsessing over which _____ (insert your high school decade here) TV character you are? Are you eager to find out if you’re secretly Canadian or what name a barrista should write on your coffee cup? Yeah, me too. So

Fun and Games for a Hospitalized Child

Les and I still own our original Atari 2600. We keep talking of selling the gaming console and the 20+ games cartridges we still own, but I think nostalgia holds us back. We haven’t played them in years, but, oh, the memories! I am thankful I never gambled, because if my gaming personality is any

Unleashing a Plague of Politeness

Yesterday as my American Business Women’s Association meeting was ending, someone asked me a question. It was a question I thought others might want answered, so I walked quickly up to the person who had spoken and asked her to answer it out loud for the whole group to hear. Sounds like a wise move,

Give Extraordinarily!

Friday, November 22, is a big day in Lancaster County! It’s the  second annual Extraordinary Give (#giveextraordinary) sponsored by the Lancaster County Community Foundation. The foundation puts up a financial pie of $250,000, and 250 community organizations get a piece of the pie proportionate to the funds they raise in this one day through the Extraordinary


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.