When the Great Provider Doesn’t Provide through a Paycheck

Most of you who read this blog know me through my speaking. Or maybe we’re Facebook friends. What you may not know, then, is that I make most of my living by writing for businesses, nonprofits, and educational institutions. I write websites, articles for magazines, blog posts, advertising of all sorts.

I often say I have a “portfolio life” (a thank-you to Jeff Goins for the term). I do motivational/inspirational speaking for churches and businesses. I do copywriting, as I said above. I write my own books (The 29¢ Baby Jesus picture book is SO close to being ready—I can’t wait to share it with you). And I worked two days a week at Ten Thousand Villages because I’m passionate about fair trade and it got me out of the house.

Well, my Ten Thousand Villages closed. In the following two weeks, two of my biggest writing clients stopped hiring me, both due to their own financial constraints. Oh, and my 13-year-old car needed $1,800 of work to pass inspection by the end of this month. Yeah, all that pinches the pocketbook.

So it was a God-directed “coincidence” when my husband and I were asked by our denomination to take part in the National Association of Evangelicals’ Financial Health program. (It’s made for pastors but the videos, devotional and online resources are free to anyone, so I urge you to check it out.) We weren’t overly excited to do it, but we found the value not so much in the financial strategies presented—we had already gotten high ratings in their initial Personal Finances Assessment Survey—but more so in the attitude adjustments it encouraged.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

The whole premise of the program is that God is our provider, and he doesn’t always provide through our paychecks.

He has many “income streams” he can direct our way. They recommend creating a “Blessing Journal” and keeping track each week of ways God provides for you that aren’t your paycheck. You list unexpected cash, gifts people give you, meals/entertainment others pay for, coupons or sales that save you money on things you needed to buy, and any other provision that meant you didn’t have to spend your cash. You are asked to list the amount of the provision as well.

We have listed a lot in the last few weeks:

  • $900 savings by getting the car repaired and inspected at a different shop
  • A free sandwich at Isaac’s deli with a bonus card earned back in December
  • Two free lunches for Les when friends treated
  • An unexpected $25 check from someone who appreciated my business advice
  • A very large tax return
  • Two nights out to American Music Theatre shows through generous friends
  • A discount from a service provider offered because Les is a pastor

Keeping the list has us seeing God at work, seeing him meet our needs but also providing some fun times as well.

Photo by Mathieu Turle on Unsplash

Once we made our list, the NAE’s suggestion was that we calculate ten percent of the total “extra” provision and put that amount into a special fund to meet the needs of other individuals or nonprofits as God directs. Les and I normally budget money for this purpose, but with my work slowdown it was difficult. Now it seemed like permission to be generous!

I am still actively looking for new writing clients and paying speaking gigs (if you or someone you know has a need in either category, please be in touch), but this experiment—especially keeping track of the dollar value—has reminded me to be on the look out and be grateful for all the ways God supplies.

If your money attitude could use an adjustment, maybe it’s time for a “Blessing Journal” of your own.

7 thoughts on “When the Great Provider Doesn’t Provide through a Paycheck”

  1. Love the story and idea. Makes sense and really puts things into perspective for me as well, all makes sense! I was taught this theory as a child: God will always provide, count your blessings (both finanancially and personally), and give back. God will bless you in return for your acts of kindness and give back to you too! Great article Carol, thanks for sharing.
    Sue Gunselman

    • Thanks,Sue, for taking time to comment! Making that second connection—that God’s provision in these unique ways may be a special provision for me to be able to bless others—really adds joy to each time God provides in that way!

  2. I experienced a LOT of that when I lived in CA and my husband had high medical bills not covered by insurance. We were “way past our eyeballs in debt”. We had lot of people help us out – mostly my Mother-in-law and helping ministries and Sunday School class at our Church. It took me 4-6 years after Malcolm passed to get the debt all paid off, but God helped me with it greatly along the way.

    • Carolyn, I’m thankful you experienced the church stepping up to help you. And it’s great that you can see how God provided over time, even if he didn’t provide as quickly as we would have liked. It’s certainly a walk of faith!

  3. I have been noticing God’s protection of me, especially when driving Rt 283 (it can be a frustrating, scary and dangerous experience most days!) People force their way onto the highway from entrance ramps without hesitation, without “yielding”, with the expectancy that you, going 65mph are going to apply your brakes to allow them entrance, rather than them doing the braking. I have been scared many, many times when there was no where to go in the passing lane and I had to sharply apply my brakes because they forced their way into my lane. I began to pray about it and I’m telling you God’s protection is amazing, asking for such a little thing in my life! As I enter Rt 283 from my onramp (Elizabethtown/Rheems), I say “thank you Lord” (thank you that I will be able to merge easily, thank you that I will be safe as I travel toward Lancaster and will be protected from those who attempt to force me out of my lane) and the results have been amazing! So now, to take it a step further and notice these unexpected financial blessings as well will only add icing to the cake! I so enjoy your blogs!

    • I love this, Eileen! I often do the same when I have to turn left onto a road crossing lanes of traffic—or when I need a parking place (since i really cannot parallel park!). I think God loves it when we come to him for every little thing, seeing him as the protector and provider.


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