It’s Comin’ on Christmas—What’s Your Plan?
I know, there’s still more than a month before we even hit Halloween. Why am I rushing the season by talking about Christmas already?
I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.
I know, there’s still more than a month before we even hit Halloween. Why am I rushing the season by talking about Christmas already?
We spent last Sunday afternoon at the American Music Theatre (AMT) seeing their 2015 Christmas Show: Deck the Halls. Somewhere after “The Happy Elf” and “I Wish I Could Be Santa Claus,” it morphed into a worship service for me. It started with our standing for the “Hallelujah Chorus” from the Messiah. Christ reigns. Lord
Last week I posted the 2 Euro t-shirt video below on Facebook: (If you haven’t watched the video yet, take a moment to see it; this blog post will make way more sense if you do.) It’s fascinating to see the shoppers choose the “donate” option over the “buy” option once they meet “Manisha” making 13¢ an
The Christmas craze has begun! I am working a couple of days a week at Ten Thousand Villages, and we’ve been prepping for Saturday’s Bag Sale. Everything in the store is 20% off and all of the merchandise is fair-trade, providing the artisans with a living wage. It’s a great way to purchase beautiful handcrafted
In early spring I found out that I would not be receiving a huge project I’ve gotten every summer for the last eight years. When I contemplated the loss of income, I decided it might be time to take a summer job, at least if we wanted to eat. My original pursuit was a seasonal
I was at the mall just before Easter to pick up my new glasses at LensCrafters. The prescription was very different, so I wanted to walk around a bit to get used to it before I turned my car into a weapon on the road. As I took a few steps, looking at a few
An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.