“Will the circle be unbroken
By and by, Lord, by and by . . .”
That old song talks about the circle of family and wanting to keep it together. But there’s another circle needs to be broken, that of food insecurity that leads to limited food choices that leads to poor health that exacerbates food insecurity. Want to see the stats? Check out this research summary from the Food Research and Action Center.

This week there are two easy ways to help people get enough of the right kinds of food:
- Kashi is donating $2 to Health Corps every time someone watches this video. “A 501(c)3 nonprofit, HealthCorps fights the obesity crisis by getting high school students and communities across the country to take charge of their health.” They plant fruit trees and gardens in schoolyards and teach kids to cook healthy foods.
- Panera Bread (yum, Panera Bread . . .) has a Facebook app where you can build circles that will then cause Panera to donate soup to Feeding America.
Both action pages give you a quick way to invite your Facebook friends, so it’s easy-peasy. You can be a catalyst in breaking the circle of food insecurity. Visit today, both projects end soon!