I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

Imagine Goods: Imagining a World Without Human Trafficking

I’ve asked my friend, fellow pastor’s wife, and amazing entrepreneur Michelle Kime to talk with you about her company Imagine Goods and how it came about. Started by Michelle and Aiyana, another ministry wife, Imagine Goods works to provide fair-wage employment to women who are survivors of human trafficking or are vulnerable to trafficking. Great

On Being (and Voting) Fully Pro-Life

I am pro-life. Fully pro-life. Because I am fully pro-life, I want to prevent babies from being killed while still in their mothers’ wombs. Because I am fully pro-life, I want to stop 8600 children from dying today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after that from poverty-related diseases (that’s 3 million

The Abolitionists

Last night I went to see the documentary The Abolitionists with some friends. We did not, as the ticket-taker encouraged us to, “enjoy the movie.” Because this movie is about human trafficking. It follows members of the organization Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) on actual stings in three countries in South and Central America. I had some

Entering Their Pain

What causes girls to end up working in strip clubs? Some are naive enough to believe it will be a step toward a legitimate acting or dancing career. Others say they just want to make some fast money. Having a man pay to view her body can make a woman feel desirable and in a perverted way boost

The Summer Job that Wasn’t

In early spring I found out that I would not be receiving a huge project I’ve gotten every summer for the last eight years. When I contemplated the loss of income, I decided it might be time to take a summer job, at least if we wanted to eat. My original pursuit was a seasonal

Arresting the Slaves Rather than the Slave Owners

Want to make slavery even more of an atrocity? Charge the victims with a crime and let the perpetrators go free. Who would do that? American law enforcement, way too many times. As William Kristof wrote in his November 6, 2013, editorial in The New York Times: “Some of the women selling sex there [backpage.com]

Freedom for the Captives

Last week was Freedom Weekend in Lancaster. People poured into the Ware Center in Lancaster to listen to speakers talk on different aspects of the fight against human trafficking. They visited tables for organizations engaged in the fight: Love 146, Imagine Goods, NIMBY, Hope International, Safe Church, Women at Risk, Samaritan Creations, She’s Somebody’s Daughter,

Can You Help Revive the Underground Railroad?

“There are more slaves in the world today than in four centuries of the African slave trade.” Last week my husband Les and I had the opportunity to attend the “All Aboard! Celebration” of North Star Initiative, an organization looking to free slaves caught in sex trafficking. Their desire is to revive the Underground Railroad

Your Turn: Share How You Share in This Season

Are you bemoaning the Christmas decorations and carols and commercials that have already overrun the idea of Thanksgiving? I have to admit that when I saw Christmas decor for sale in Costco in August, I was appalled. But now I am embracing the season and even seeing how it fits with my idea of Thanksgiving.


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.