I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

Four ways to make connections

A few weeks ago, my husband Les preached a sermon called “Seeking Man Up a Tree,” about the Bible character Zacchaeus (found in Luke 19 in the Bible). It was, of course, a good sermon (😄). It reminded me of the first magazine article I ever sold, called “The Zacchaeus Principle.” Published in the long-defunct Virtue magazine,

The Best Way to Teach Your Kids the Best Thing

I had great parents. They weren’t perfect (who is?) but they gave us secure and fun childhoods. They launched us pretty well into adulthood. What I’m most grateful for, though, is what they taught us about priorities and how they taught it. The life lesson I think sums up our years living at home is

On Fairs and Fellowship

For the first time in our 11 years living in Ephrata, someone invited us to sit with them at the parade. Now I need to take a moment to give you some background on . . .

Seeing the Invisible People

“The first time you saw me, I was cleaning your bathroom floor! Only you didn’t see me.” It’s a line from a movie (Maid in Manhattan), but it’s the reality for maids, waiters, and cashiers everywhere. They’re invisible people. Often, we simply don’t see them. In fact, arrests have occurred because criminals were so unaware

Creating Space for God: Review of GodSpace by Keri Wyatt Kent

“The way I found God space—sacred moments in which we encounter the holy—was to begin to see all of my life as lived in space of God.” This is the premise of Keri Wyatt Kent’s latest book GodSpace: that we open ourselves up for more God moments when we realize he is all around us in

Inviting Jesus In

“One day our neighbor’s five-year-old daughter was kidnapped and held for ransom. The family was later told that the intended victim was our son [but the little girl was easier to grab]. The next day we left everything behind and fled.” We heard this story Sunday night as Les and I had dinner with a

A Little Child Shall Lead Them—to Jesus’s Heart

Elliott came to his mom with paper stars containing two symbols.  “What are these?” she asked. “They say R S. They are prayer cards for Syrian refugees. I want to hand them out so people can pray for the refugees and then when they meet one, they can say, ‘Hey, come stay at my house.’” When

Do You See Me Now?

Saturday saw us enjoying lunch with some pastor friends at a small restaurant.  The place was pretty empty, so we sat there a couple of hours, catching up since we hadn’t seen each other in two years. Our waitress, I’ll call her J, was personable and funny. As we neared the end of our stay, our


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.