I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

5 ways to cope when the world is a mess

OUCH. Mass evacuations in Afghanistan—and those left behind. Earthquake in Haiti. Hurricane in Louisiana. Fires and drought out west. Oil slicks in the Mediterranean. Delta overwhelming hospitals and exhausting healthcare workers. Flooding in Europe and Tennessee (and possibly my county, which is under a flood watch as the Ida remnant rains pour down today). It

Recapture Delight and Wonder

Last week was VBS week, which felt like “The Great Exhale”after 15 months of holding our Covid breaths.  The halls rang with laughter, with shouts, with songs, and even with some meltdown tears. Creativity abounded during craft time, games were hard fought, hugs were traded, hands were flying—sort of in rhythm—during the song time. And

When the Great Provider Doesn’t Provide through a Paycheck

Most of you who read this blog know me through my speaking. Or maybe we’re Facebook friends. What you may not know, then, is that I make most of my living by writing for businesses, nonprofits, and educational institutions. I write websites, articles for magazines, blog posts, advertising of all sorts. I often say I

Finding Joy in the Simple Moments

Yesterday Les and I took a vacation day and went to Longwood Gardens. It’s tulip time and  . . . well, a few pictures are worth at least a couple hundred words. See what I mean? This morning Les found me two tulips in our backyard, partially hidden by a bush. I cut them and

Sky Painting: A Poem

Brush strokes across the sky Wispy clouds in variegated hues of purple and pink; Looking as though the master artist Had taken special care with his brush.   Wearied from the day, my eyes were focused On the few feet of roadway in front of my car, My mind preoccupied With the trivialities of the

Creating Space for God: Review of GodSpace by Keri Wyatt Kent

“The way I found God space—sacred moments in which we encounter the holy—was to begin to see all of my life as lived in space of God.” This is the premise of Keri Wyatt Kent’s latest book GodSpace: that we open ourselves up for more God moments when we realize he is all around us in

The Freedom of a Maundy Thursday Typo

I’m a copy editor. I can’t help but notice typos. Menus, business signs, magazines, PowerPoint presentations, books, social media and, yes, church bulletins. I try not to point them out to their creators/owners unless I’ve been hired to do so or I think it will be a colossal embarrassment to them down the road (like

Is It a Fast if I Whine the Whole Way Through?

I blame Jen Hatmaker. And my husband Les. In equal measure. Oh, and maybe God. See, a few weeks ago I read Jen Hatmaker‘s new-old book Interrupted: When Jesus Wreaks Your Comfortable Christianity. This book was originally written and published before 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, which I had never read. Since 7 was her breakout

Things Aren’t Always What They Feel

On Saturday, I have a speaking engagement. The topic is “Being the Friend I Need.” As I practiced, I began to feel sorry for myself. I have no friends, I thought. Don’t freak out on me if you’re one of my friends. Keep reading. It will (hopefully) get better. I know I have friends. I


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.