I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

5 ways to cope when the world is a mess

OUCH. Mass evacuations in Afghanistan—and those left behind. Earthquake in Haiti. Hurricane in Louisiana. Fires and drought out west. Oil slicks in the Mediterranean. Delta overwhelming hospitals and exhausting healthcare workers. Flooding in Europe and Tennessee (and possibly my county, which is under a flood watch as the Ida remnant rains pour down today). It

It’s time to plug the leaks

I love to give to charity. It doesn’t matter if I support the food bank by rounding up my purchase at the grocery store or buy a cart full of groceries to donate, it all feels good. I am happy to support the homeless shelter with by mailing a check or serving a meal. It

Be the light (and help keep the lights on)

I love Christmas lights. I’m thrilled when people want to decorate their homes like the Griswolds’ in Christmas Vacation. One of my favorite “dates” with Les at this time of year is scoping out well-lit neighborhoods. You know what it takes to run Christmas lights? Electricity. And Americans are facing a crisis over electricity. 17%—that’s

We’ve come undone

We’re fraying. “We” collectively, as in, all of us.  I’ve had multiple conversations in the last weeks with individuals feeling uneasy. For many, it’s hard to concentrate—even for those who were ultra-productive when shutdowns occurred in the spring. For others, a sense of anxiety seems to pervade. We worry about the kids—are they learning anything,

What Are You Looking At?

I had to stop for a fresh accident today. By “fresh” I mean close enough to when it happened that the road was still partially blocked, and while the police and ambulance were already there, the fire truck and tow truck were still arriving. Since it occurred in a four-way intersection, the police were directing

Of Protein, Pads and Potato Chips

COVID-19 is causing more pain than canceled events, mask acne, and virtual school. (Please know I am not minimizing life for all of you with school-aged children; I imagine it’s incredibly difficult and frustrating. I truly feel sorry for you and your kids.) But it’s also causing hunger pains. For many of us, shopping for

Where’d You Go, Carol Cool?

It’s been almost four weeks since I created a blog post. Where have I been, you might ask if you happened to notice you haven’t received an email in a while. The easy answer is that my husband accepted a new pastoral position exactly one month ago, which he starts on July 1. His new

Add Some Generosity for Lent

A friend from church recommended a Lenten devotional series from the YouVersion Bible app on Facebook today. The title—40acts: The Lent Generosity Challenge—struck a nerve with me. I know Lent is often about denial, about giving something up, but the last few months have already required me to give up some things, to let go

Doing the Right Thing Isn’t So Complicated; It’s Just Hard

I sat in my car and sighed. So many issues in the world. And now they want me to give up straws to save the planet. It was too much. The issues facing our world are so complex; how could I be expected to sort it all out? And then the Spirit of God cleared


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.