I’m No Superstar

I’m No Superstar is a blog for people like me who want to make a difference in the world but know they aren’t activists. Each post contains a social action idea that most of us could do, a book that’s worth reading, or a link to a website that offers other ideas. Oh, and it’s all introduced by a sometimes quirky story from my life.

All Saints—Living Our Unity

A few weeks back I won a pair of tickets to see the All Saints movie. Based on a true story, the movie tells the story of a soon-to-close church that is saved by an influx of refugees. I hope you had the chance to see it while it was in a theater near you

What Pit Are You In?—A book review

When I began speaking, I set some parameters for myself. I wanted to be thoroughly biblical, reflecting a depth of study, and to share Bible knowledge as well as practical application. Oh, and I wanted to be funny. Yeah, basically I wanted to be Beth Moore. (Well, minus the girly girl look and the Texas

The Wonder of It All

I am a wonderer. Not a wanderer, although I like to wander too. A wonderer—someone who wonders about everything.  I wonder why policies at work are what they are. I wonder why she paired that top with those pants. I wonder how every sunset can be different every day. I wonder why gerrymandering is called

Great Expectations and Vague Disappointments

“Visions of sugarplums . . .” I had visions of what Christmas would be (although it didn’t include sugarplums). Nothing grandiose; after all, we had no local family and none coming in for the holiday. My visions were more for the season than the day: a Christmas play or two, a few musical events, tours

What Language Does God Speak?

What language does God speak? Yours? If he does, if you have the Bible in your heart language (the language your mother spoke to you and that you dream in), you are one of the fortunate ones. Les and I returned Friday from a mission trip to work with Wycliffe Bible Translators USA at their

2015 Facebook Love Manifesto

Another post that makes me cringe. Another comment that makes me cry. Another moment of wondering if I should unfriend someone on Facebook or maybe just get off altogether. Facebook has reached back into my childhood and built a web of connection to people I once knew. It’s allowed me a glimpse inside the lives of people I

5 Places Not-to-Miss In/Near Orlando

Les and I visited the Farrs, friends of ours, in Orlando in April. Locals can tell you places to visit you would never have found on your own. Here are five within an hour of Orlando that were well worth visiting: 1. Old Spanish Sugar Mill at DeLeon Springs State Park—Cook your own pancakes on

Snippets of Wisdom from Exponential

Last week Les and I had the privilege to attend the Exponential conference in Orlando. Exponential is a conference for people who plant (start) new churches, and there were 5000 of them in attendance. I loved the energy, the sense of mission in those around me and in the speakers and workshop leaders. I served

Are We Interruptible?

I started in retail at the age of 15, working in department stores. It was my go-to job all through college as well, during summer and winter vacations, and even an Easter stint or two. When I graduated with a BABL degree (seriously, a bachelor of arts in biblical literature—BABL) with an emphasis in Christian


Have Carol Speak For Your Group

An accomplished and flexible speaker, Carol tailors her topics to fit the theme and timeframes of your meeting, conference, seminar or retreat.