“How are they doing?” the man whispered to me in a quiet corner. I knew who he meant. He was asking about someone in my extended family who is facing some severe health issues that are affecting their quality of life.
“They’re doing okay. Thanks for asking.” I so appreciated his concern for them.
“But are they doing okay financially?” The man knew the illness had interfered with the job that provided the family’s support. I knew the man had struggled financially his whole life, still struggled, in fact. He would understand what this was like for my family member.
“God answered our prayers and has provided a source of income to make up part of the loss they experienced. It will still be tough, but . . . Thank you for praying.”
“But are they really doing okay?” he asked with insistence.
“I think so. As well as can be expected.”
“Would you please give me their address. I want to send them some money.”
I just looked at him. This man has no money. Never has had. I’m pretty sure he lives hand to mouth. I wanted to protest. I wanted to dismiss his request. I wanted to accidentally forget it.
I didn’t. I won’t. Yes, him giving them money seems crazy. Yes, it’s audacious. Yes, it’s convicting. (I’ve never sent them money; I’ve been more of a “sending our thoughts and prayers” kind of girl.)
But to stop him would be denying him the joy of giving. And so he will get the address. I called the future recipient to let them know. I could hear the emotion in their voice.
“I want to refuse it,” they said. “But I guess I can’t.”
No, they can’t. Because giving brings joy that money can’t buy.
May we consider how God wants us to give audaciously during this Christmas season. And when we think we can’t, let’s think again.
If you live in/near Lancaster County, learn ways to give audaciously at the Gifts That Give Hope alternative gift fair. This Saturday, December 9, at the Farm and Home Center.