I know, sometimes I’m asking you to do hard things. It can feel overwhelming sometimes to do the hard work of social justice or loving our neighbor or living out our passion. Trust me; I’m right there more days than I like to admit.
So today, let’s talk about a really simple life-changing action. In 69 seconds I was able to help save rainforests, give books to kids, fund research to cure diabetes and Alzheimer’s, fund mammograms, support children with autism, protect animals, feed the hungry and help veterans. And all it takes is a click. Well, nine clicks if you want to do all nine.
Just visit The Hunger Site, and click on the button. Your free click funds about a cup of food, thanks to donations from the site’s advertising partners. It doesn’t sound like much, but yesterday’s clicks from thousands of people enabled Greater Good to fund 55,868 cups of food, or 3.2 metric tons.
At the top of the page you’ll see the links to all nine programs. I just pop from one to the other and, wham-o, donations made.
I was really into the daily clicks for years and then somehow the site fell off my radar. Recently I was on again and signed up for the daily reminder email. This makes it super easy to remember to go to the site and give. I just click on the email link and I’m on the page and making my clicks count. Use the link at the top right of the site to sign up for your own easy reminder.
If you want to contribute even more, consider shopping from the site’s partners.
Making a difference has never been so easy.
Start clicking!